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Results for "author_first: "Sandra", author_last: "Ingerman", latest_content: 1"
We could ingest emotional substances with our food We could ingest emotional substances with our food
The Shaman's Toolkit Sandra Ingerman on bringing in your light to help change the world.
Awakening to the Spirit World A wise and comprehensive overview of the ancient spiritual practice of shamanism with its meditative, healing, and transformative capacities.
Soul Retrieval Accounts of shamanic treatments for soul loss and the transformation that can occur after the soul is brought home.
Welcome Home Sandra Ingerman on trusting your psyche to know how to heal.
Soul Retrieval Sandra Ingerman's spiritual exercise on discovering what a lie does to the body.
Merge with the Elements Becoming water, air, earth, and fire.
Shamanic Journeying A helpful toolkit with accompanying CD about this practice to explore non-ordinary reality for inner guidance and wisdom.
Medicine for the Earth A presentation of shamanism as an approach that can help us live in harmony with nature.
Welcome Home An affirmation of passion, creativity, and compassion as healing pathways.